About this product AeroShell Oil W100, 15 degree celsius to 30 degree celsius, quart, ashless dispersant oil for temperate climate regions, 15°C to 30°C. AeroShell W100 provides compatibility with other approved aircraft piston engine oils.
Note: This is a commercial item. Your order may not include manufacturer certs.
Part Number or Model | 100WQT |
Description | Engine Oil |
Schedule B Class | |
ECCN (Export Control Class) | EAR99 |
Piston Engine Oil
Oil: piston engine,sae50,qt, aeroshell 100w,anti-corrosion
Piston Engine Oil
Oil: piston engine,55gl, aeroshell 100w
Piston Engine Oil
Oil: piston engine,55gl, aeroshell 100w
Grease: 5,6.6 lb, 6.6 lb,3 kg
Cloth: microfiber,detail,2pk, aeroshell,flight jacket
Oil: piston engine,55 gallon, aeroshell 80
Grease: 22,37.5lb, aeroshell 22
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