M83413/8-A005CD Bonding Jumper

Part#: M83413/8-A005CD NSN: 6150-00-845-5219

About this product 12AWG bonding jumper. * Manufacturer certifications are shipped with your order FREE of charge

Product Details

Part Number or Model M83413/8-A005CD
Description Bonding Jumper
Schedule B Class
ECCN (Export Control Class)
Terminal Manufacturer Identifying Reference Number Ms25036-157 1st end single conductor
Test Data Document 96906-ms25083 standard (includes industry or association standards, individual manufactureer standards, etc.).
Termination Type Lug terminal w/mounting hole both ends single conductor
Terminal Lug Aperture Size 0.262 inches 1st end single conductor
Terminal Lug Aperture Size 0.323 inches 2nd end single conductor
Terminal Manufacturer Identifying Reference Number Ms25036-113 2nd end single conductor
Strand Quantity Per Conductor 259 single conductor
Surface Treatment Tin core conductor third group
Material Specification Qq-w-343,soft fed std all material responses core conductor single conductor
Terminal Commercial And Government Entity Code 96906 both ends single conductor
Strand Awg Size Per Conductor 36 single conductor
Round Conductor Size 12 awg single conductor
Material Copper core conductor single conductor
Lead Pull Strength 110.0 pounds
Lead Length 5.000 inches minimum and 5.250 inches maximum
Cross Sectional Shape Round
Cross Section Outside Diameter 0.080 inches nominal
Conductor Form Stranded single conductor

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  • NSN (National stock number)
  • Manufactured By
    Circuit Systems
  • ECCN (Export Control Class)

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